Intro to Salesforce Knowledge and Setup

Intro to Salesforce Knowledge and Setup

Salesforce knowledge
Salesforce knowledge

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Salesforce Knowledge?
  3. Setting Up Salesforce Knowledge
  4. Why Use Salesforce Knowledge?
  5. Key Features of Salesforce Knowledge
  6. Creating and Managing Knowledge Articles
  7. Integrating Knowledge Base with Customer Support
  8. Implementing Knowledge Sharing
  9. Enhancing Knowledge Article Visibility
  10. Measuring Knowledge Base Effectiveness
  11. Common Challenges and Solutions
  12. Salesforce Knowledge Best Practices
  13. FAQs
  14. Conclusion


Salesforce Knowledge is a powerful tool that empowers organizations to create, manage, and share knowledge articles. It is a knowledge management system built on the Salesforce platform, designed to streamline and optimize information sharing within a company and with external stakeholders. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of Salesforce Knowledge, how to set it up, and its benefits for businesses.

What is Salesforce Knowledge?

Salesforce Knowledge is a knowledge base solution provided by Salesforce that allows organizations to store, manage, and distribute knowledge articles. It serves as a centralized repository of information that can be accessed by internal teams, customers, partners, and other stakeholders. With Salesforce Knowledge, companies can create a robust knowledge base to provide accurate and up-to-date information to users across various channels.

Setting Up Salesforce Knowledge

Setting up Salesforce Knowledge involves several steps to ensure a smooth implementation. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting started:

  1. Enable Salesforce Knowledge: In Salesforce, navigate to the Setup menu and search for “Knowledge Settings.” Enable Salesforce Knowledge to activate the feature.
  2. Define Data Categories: Data categories help organize knowledge articles based on their topics. Define data categories that align with your organization’s information structure.
  3. Create Article Types: Article types define the structure and fields for different types of knowledge articles. Determine the article types needed and create them accordingly.
  4. Configure Article Actions: Article actions are the options available to users when interacting with knowledge articles. Customize the available actions to align with your organization’s requirements.
  5. Set Up Article Workflows: Article workflows automate the process of creating, reviewing, and publishing knowledge articles. Define workflows to streamline content creation and approval processes.
  6. Configure Article Versioning: Salesforce Knowledge allows for multiple versions of articles. Configure article versioning to track changes and maintain a revision history.
  7. Define Article Lifecycles: Establish article lifecycles to manage the stages an article goes through, from creation to retirement.
  8. Assign Article Types and Data Categories: Associate article types and data categories to provide structure and categorization to knowledge articles.
  9. Set Up Article Publishing Channels: Determine the channels through which knowledge articles will be published, such as a customer community, website, or internal portal.
  10. Configure Article Search and Display: Customize the search functionality and display options for knowledge articles to optimize user experience.

Why Use Salesforce Knowledge?

Implementing Salesforce Knowledge offers several advantages for organizations:

  1. Centralized Knowledge Repository: Salesforce Knowledge provides a centralized platform to store and manage knowledge articles, ensuring information consistency and accessibility.
  2. Improved Customer Self-Service: With a robust knowledge base, customers can find answers to their questions quickly, reducing the need for contacting support agents.
  3. Efficient Agent Support: Salesforce Knowledge equips support agents with a comprehensive resource to find accurate and relevant information, enabling them to assist customers more effectively.
  4. Consistent and Accurate Information: Knowledge articles can be regularly updated and maintained to ensure that the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent across all channels.
  5. Time and Cost Savings: By empowering customers and agents with self-service options, Salesforce Knowledge reduces the time spent on repetitive inquiries, allowing resources to be allocated more efficiently.
  6. Enhanced Collaboration: Salesforce Knowledge facilitates collaboration among teams, enabling subject matter experts to contribute and update articles as needed.
  7. Analytics and Insights: The platform provides valuable analytics and reporting capabilities to measure knowledge base effectiveness, identify gaps, and improve content quality.

Key Features of Salesforce Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge offers a range of features that enhance knowledge management processes. Some key features include:

  1. Article Management: Salesforce Knowledge provides a user-friendly interface to create, edit, and manage knowledge articles efficiently.
  2. Versioning and History: Knowledge articles can have multiple versions, allowing users to track changes and access previous iterations.
  3. Article Ratings and Feedback: Users can rate articles and provide feedback, which helps improve content quality and identify areas for enhancement.
  4. Article Translation: Salesforce Knowledge supports multiple languages, enabling organizations to create and distribute content in different languages to cater to a global audience.
  5. Search and Filtering: The search functionality allows users to find articles based on keywords, data categories, and other filters, ensuring relevant results.
  6. Article Attachments: Knowledge articles can include attachments, such as images, PDFs, or videos, to provide additional context and visual aids.
  7. Article Sharing and Collaboration: Users can share articles internally and externally, collaborate on content creation, and leverage subject matter experts’ knowledge.
  8. Content Recommendations: Salesforce Knowledge suggests relevant articles based on user queries, improving self-service capabilities.
  9. Analytics and Reporting: The platform offers insights into article performance, user engagement, and search trends, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Creating and Managing Knowledge Articles

To create and manage knowledge articles effectively, follow these best practices:

  1. Define Article Templates: Create templates to ensure consistency in article structure and formatting.
  2. Use Rich Formatting: Utilize formatting options like headings, bullet points, and bold/italic text to enhance readability and emphasize key information.
  3. Write Clear and Concise Titles: Titles should accurately reflect the article content and be easily searchable.
  4. Use Relevant Tags and Data Categories: Assign appropriate tags and data categories to enable users to find articles related to specific topics.
  5. Focus on User Needs: Craft articles with the user in mind, addressing their pain points and providing clear, actionable solutions.
  6. Update Articles Regularly: Review and update articles periodically to keep the information accurate and relevant.
  7. Leverage Multimedia: Incorporate images, videos, and other multimedia elements to enhance article comprehension.
  8. Encourage User Feedback: Enable article ratings and feedback to gather insights from users and identify areas for improvement.
  9. Monitor Article Performance: Track article views, ratings, and feedback to gauge their effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.

Integrating Knowledge Base with Customer Support

Integrating your knowledge base with customer support processes can significantly enhance the customer experience. Here are some ways to achieve seamless integration:

  1. Self-Service Portals: Integrate knowledge articles into self-service portals, allowing customers to find answers to their queries independently.
  2. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Use AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants that can access knowledge base articles to provide instant and accurate responses to customer inquiries.
  3. Case Deflection: When customers submit support cases, leverage knowledge articles to suggest relevant articles that may address their concerns, reducing the need for agent intervention.
  4. Contextual Article Display: Display knowledge articles contextually within the support ticketing system, ensuring agents have easy access to relevant resources while addressing customer issues.
  5. Article Linking in Support Communication: Embed relevant knowledge article links in support emails or chat conversations, guiding customers to self-help resources.
  6. Real-Time Article Updates: Ensure that support agents have access to the latest version of knowledge articles, enabling them to provide accurate and up-to-date information to customers.

Implementing Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing is crucial to leverage the collective expertise of an organization. Here’s how to foster a culture of knowledge sharing:

  1. Encourage Collaboration: Foster an environment where employees are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise openly.
  2. Recognize and Reward Contributors: Acknowledge and reward employees who actively contribute to the knowledge base, promoting a culture of knowledge sharing.
  3. Implement Discussion Forums: Establish discussion forums or platforms where employees can ask questions, seek advice, and share their insights.
  4. Facilitate Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different teams and departments to leverage diverse perspectives and expertise.
  5. Knowledge Sharing Events: Organize events, such as workshops or webinars, where employees can share their knowledge and learn from one another.
  6. Knowledge Champions: Appoint knowledge champions or subject matter experts who can guide and mentor others in sharing their knowledge effectively.

Enhancing Knowledge Article Visibility

To ensure that knowledge articles reach the intended audience, follow these visibility-enhancing strategies:

  1. Optimize Article Titles and Descriptions: Craft descriptive and keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions that accurately represent the article’s content and improve search engine visibility.
  2. Implement SEO Best Practices: Use relevant keywords naturally throughout the article, employ proper heading tags, and create meta tags to optimize search engine ranking.
  3. Leverage Internal Search: Integrate knowledge article search functionality within your organization’s internal platforms, making it easy for employees to find relevant articles.
  4. Promote Article Discoverability: Share links to knowledge articles across relevant communication channels, such as emails, newsletters, and collaboration platforms.
  5. Leverage Social Media Channels: Share knowledge articles on social media platforms to expand their reach and engage a broader audience.
  6. Cross-Link Related Articles: Include cross-references and links to related articles within knowledge articles, enabling users to explore additional relevant content.

Measuring Knowledge Base Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of your knowledge base is vital for continuous improvement. Consider the following metrics:

  1. Article Views: Track the number of views each article receives to gauge its popularity and relevance.
  2. Article Ratings and Feedback: Analyze user ratings and feedback to identify areas for improvement and address any gaps in content quality.
  3. Search Analytics: Monitor search queries and analyze search trends to understand user needs and identify potential content gaps.
  4. Case Deflection Rate: Measure the percentage of cases that are resolved through self-service, indicating the effectiveness of your knowledge base in reducing support workload.
  5. Customer Satisfaction: Collect customer feedback through surveys or post-interaction ratings to assess the overall satisfaction levels with the knowledge base.
  6. Time to Resolution: Compare the average resolution time for cases that leverage knowledge base articles versus those that require agent assistance, evaluating the impact on support efficiency.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While implementing Salesforce Knowledge, you may encounter some challenges. Here are common challenges and their solutions:

  1. Content Maintenance: Keeping knowledge articles up-to-date and relevant can be challenging. Establish a review process and assign content owners responsible for regular content updates.
  2. User Adoption: Ensure that employees and customers are aware of the knowledge base’s existence and understand its benefits. Provide training and resources to encourage adoption.
  3. Quality Control: Implement content review processes to maintain consistency and accuracy across knowledge articles. Encourage user feedback to identify and rectify any quality issues.
  4. Content Duplication: Duplicate articles can confuse users and lead to redundant efforts. Regularly audit the knowledge base to identify and merge duplicate articles.
  5. Knowledge Silos: Break down departmental silos by encouraging cross-team collaboration and implementing a centralized knowledge management system.
  6. Lack of Metrics: Define clear metrics and reporting mechanisms to measure the knowledge base’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Salesforce Knowledge Best Practices

To maximize the benefits of Salesforce Knowledge, follow these best practices:

  1. Design Intuitive Navigation: Structure your knowledge base with logical categories and subcategories, making it easy for users to find relevant articles.
  2. Promote Content Discoverability: Utilize search engine optimization techniques to improve the visibility of knowledge articles in search results.
  3. Regularly Update Content: Assign content owners responsible for regularly reviewing and updating knowledge articles to ensure accuracy and relevancy.
  4. Encourage User Feedback: Enable article ratings and feedback mechanisms to gather insights from users and continuously improve content quality.
  5. Provide Training and Support: Conduct training sessions and provide documentation to empower employees and users to effectively utilize the knowledge base.
  6. Continuously Improve: Regularly analyze knowledge base metrics, user feedback, and search trends to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary enhancements.


1. What is the purpose of Salesforce Knowledge?

Salesforce Knowledge serves as a centralized repository for organizations to store, manage, and distribute knowledge articles. It enables businesses to provide accurate and up-to-date information to internal teams, customers, partners, and other stakeholders.

2. Can Salesforce Knowledge be customized to suit specific business needs?

Yes, Salesforce Knowledge can be customized to align with the unique requirements of different businesses. It allows organizations to define article types, data categories, workflows, and article actions based on their specific needs.

3. Can Salesforce Knowledge be integrated with other Salesforce features?

Yes, Salesforce Knowledge can be seamlessly integrated with other Salesforce features, such as customer support ticketing systems, chatbots, self-service portals, and reporting and analytics tools. This integration enhances the overall customer experience and streamlines knowledge management processes.

4. Is Salesforce Knowledge available in multiple languages?

Yes, Salesforce Knowledge supports multiple languages, enabling organizations to create and distribute knowledge articles in different languages to cater to a global audience.

5. How can Salesforce Knowledge benefit customer support teams?

Salesforce Knowledge empowers customer support teams by providing a comprehensive resource to find accurate and relevant information quickly. This reduces the time spent on repetitive inquiries, enhances support agent productivity, and improves overall customer satisfaction.

6. Can Salesforce Knowledge be used for internal knowledge sharing within an organization?

Yes, Salesforce Knowledge can be used for internal knowledge sharing. It allows employees to access and contribute to the knowledge base, fostering collaboration and enabling the sharing of expertise across teams and departments.


Salesforce Knowledge is a powerful tool that helps organizations efficiently manage and distribute knowledge articles. By centralizing information and providing self-service options, businesses can improve customer satisfaction, enhance agent productivity, and drive overall operational efficiency. By following best practices, integrating with customer support processes, and continuously measuring effectiveness, businesses can unlock the full potential of Salesforce Knowledge and gain a competitive edge in today’s knowledge-driven economy.


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